
Shopify Referral App Integration


Launching shopify referral App is very simple with If you are not signed up with InviteReferrals already, you’ll need to do so. Please sign up and create a referral campaign for your Shopify store first. Sign up for free now !! Follow these steps to add InviteReferrals integration code to your store:

Part A : Integrate InviteReferrals Shopify Referral App

1. Install the InviteReferrals Shopify App

Visit the following page and click on “Get App”.
Then you will be redirected to a page where you will need to login with InviteReferrals.

2. Login to InviteReferrals

Enter InviteReferrals “username”, “password” and click on login

Shopify Referral Program

3. Include InviteReferrals Snippet tag

a) Go to your Shopify Theme Editor. Click on the layouts theme file to open it.

InviteReferrals Shopify App

b) Insert the following code to the theme file just before the body tag:

{% include ‘invitereferrals’ %}
InviteReferrals Shopify App

4. Add InviteReferrals Tracking Pixel to track referral conversions

– Go to Settings > Checkout in your shop admin and add the InviteReferrals tracking code in the “Additional Content & Scripts’” text box.
Source : Add third party conversion tracking
-First login to the invitereferrals site and then copy the InviteReferrals tracking pixel from documentation section -> Referral Tracking Pixel.  so that the secret keys are already prefilled.

Also replace the following two variables in the tracking code you have copied:
a) Replace {Unique tracking number like orderID or customerID}  with  {{ order_number }}
b) Replace {email address of customer} with {{ }}
c) Add fname and purchaseValue parameters as defined in example below

Example code –

<img style='position:absolute; visibility:hidden' src='{{ order_number }}&email={{ }}&fname={{ }}&purchaseValue={{ total_price | money_without_currency }}' />

InviteReferrals Tracking Pixel

Part B : Create campaign in InviteReferrals Software

Setup up the campaign using easy setup tutorial guide given below

Go through referral program promotion guide to increase effectiveness of your referral program. You can also check out our case studies section to learn from success stories. Thats it! Your Shopify referral App is ready. You can customize anything from the admin panel. No code changes are needed on your shopify store.

Aman Gupta

Co-founder, The product guy at inviteReferrals. Ensures that the best industry practices are built right into your customer referral program.