custom facebook referral app

Custom Facebook Referral App





Why you need a custom facebook Referral App

By configuring custom facebook referral App, you will get custom facebook connect popups and self branded Facebook feed. You will also get in depth analytics of how your program is performing on social graph. Here is a sample custom facebook connect view.

Screen shot 2013-06-10 at 12.14.02 PM


Steps To create Facebook Referral App

1. Register your Facebook App

2. Configuring your App Settings

3. App Details – logos and description.

4. Configure inviteReferrals admin with Custom app

5. Launch facebook timeline application


1. Register your App

Please note you must have verified your Facebook account to create apps on Facebook. Click here for more information on verifying your account.


Goto : and Click on Apps -> Create New App.


Create new facebook app
Create new app


Select Advance setup in the dialogue that opens as shown below





A Dialog Box will pop up. It will ask you three things :

App Name : Your Application Name ( It can be anything)

App Namespace : It is used for defining the URL for Facebook App. It must be unique. For example, If your namespace is “referralcampaign” , then your Facebook App URL will look like this:

Category: select “Promotions and Contests”


Create new facebook app
Enter ‘Display Name’, ‘Namespace’ and click ‘Create App’


2. Configuring your App

Now, Facebook will generate your unique APP ID and APP SECRET which you would add to inviteReferrals admin panel. Once you’ve created a Facebook app, go to “Settings” section and click “add platform”:


Create new facebook app
go to ‘settings’ and click ‘add platform’

(i) App Domains: enter ““.


(ii) Under “Add Platform”, Select “Facebook Canvas” and fill the following details.

Canvas URL:

Secure Canvas URL:

Replace yourBrandID with your inviteReferrals brandID.

(Get your brandID from here :

Example :


Create new facebook app
Enter details for “App on facebook” platform


(iii) Under “Add Platform”, SelectWebsite“: Enter your site url. ““.


Create new facebook app
Enter website


(iV) CLick Save changes.


(V) Goto “Status and Reviews” and make the application live.


Create new facebook app
Make app live


3. App Details

(i) Enter your basic App details as shown below


Create new facebook app
enter basic details



(ii) Upload your brand logo’s as shown below and save changes.


Create new facebook app
upload logo



4. Configure InviteReferrals

You can update the settings in “Admin -> Facebook Timeline App -> Install App”. Enter the AppID and AppSecret of the facebook app and update.



5. Install facebook Referral app via Invitereferrals

(i) Go to  “Admin -> Facebook Timeline App -> Install App”

(ii) Click on Install facebook timeline app and allow permissions to manage app

(iii) Select the fanpage to install application and submit.


Your Facebook Referral app is now configured.




Co-founder, InviteReferral. Spreads the word about each new awesome feature of customer referral program. Loves to talk to customers, marketers and tech enthusiasts.