Looking for ReferralCandy

More than 20,000 companies trust InviteReferrals to get a strong customer base in a cost-effective price. Read the difference between InviteReferrals & ReferralCandy

InviteReferrals Vs ReferralCandy

Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Contact Support Skype, Calls, Emails and Live Chats Emails and Live Chats only
Real-time Priority Support referralcandy
Dedicated Account Manager to all
Feedback Management

Customer Support

Your query is our top most priority”

Our customers love the fact that we are available for them at any time of the day they want us. Our customers are all that matters to us. We answer your queries in the priority. We are available not just over the emails. In InviteReferrals we only prefer the medium that our customers demand. 

Referral Program Analytics

“A good analytics results in a successful referral program”

Our customers love the fact that we are available for them at any time of the day they want us. Our customers are all that matters to us. We answer your queries in the priority. We are available not just over the emails. In InviteReferrals we only prefer the medium that our customers demand.

Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Campaign Analytics
Conversion Analytics
Referrer Leaderboard
CSR Dashboard
Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Campaign Analytics
Conversion Analytics
Referrer Leaderboard
CSR Dashboard

Referral Program Analytics

“A good analytics results in a successful referral program”

Whenever you launch a referral program you should keep an eye on every moment of the campaign. The statistics are a need for making referral programs a success. We provide the best and in-depth analytics for getting insights into the referral campaign

Reward management System

“A good analytics results in a successful referral program”

Referral Program not necessarily means gifting out rewards to your customers and their friends. There are a lot of better ways to engage your customers in referral marketing by affiliate marketing and loyalty programs. Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to earn in millions. So what’s the wait for? 

Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Affiliate Marketing
Loyalty Programs
Reward Distribution
Tier Reward Management
Refund Policy Reward Management
Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
CSV order approval
Participants Referral List
Import/Export Referral List
Revenue Tracker
Affiliate Agent Management

Import Referrals

“Customers are the leading source of any referral program”

While launching a referral program the list of the participants/customers is the foremost thing, to being with. At InviteReferrals we make this process an ease. The easy import and export from the CSV file is a simple process to follow. Export the list of the participants to send them emails to enroll in the referral program. 

API and Integrations

“The technicality is what makes great referral software”

We believe that the API’s and Integrations are used to run referral software smoothly and greatly. We provide the integrations that you love to work with and which makes your work easy—custom integration on over 1000+ platforms. Get premium features without spending a hefty amount. 

Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
REST API’s & Postbacks in all Plan
Custom Integration in All Plans
Embedded I-Frame
Leave Intent Pop-Up
Time-Delay Pop-Up
Slider Widget
Custom Widget
Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Unlimited Invites
Unlimited Salest
Unlimited Conversions
No extra-cost Commission

The Referral Pricing

“The highest bid is not always considered the best”

At InviteReferrals you will get the luxury to get the premium features without any extra cost. We don’t take credits away from your referrals. Your rule is zero commission on any referral you make and get unlimited sales. 

Campaign Management

“Launching a referral campaign is now a cake-walk”

Creating and setting up a referral campaign can get a tough task to deal with, but not if you work with us. We provide our customers with interactive tools that make them easy to launch referral campaigns. 

Features InviteReferrals ReferralCandy
Multi Widget preview
Custom Preview
Multiple Languages Available in more languages Only available in enterprise pricing
Employee Referral
Free White Label Management
Multi User Role Managementt

Used by 20,000+ Customers in 25+ Languages

Try the World’s Best Referrals Program Software Today.